Familiar results: Massac County, Nashville win SIRR girls golf titles

Darren Kinnard/River Radio Sports Central

CARBONDALE — The Massac County Lady Patriots and Nashville Hornettes continued their dominance of the SIRR Girls Golf championships.

All six Lady Patriots finished in the top 10, led by medalist Elise Coakley, as Massac County won its 10th straight Ohio Division title–this one by 60 strokes.

The Massac County Lady Patriots won the SIRR Ohio Girls Golf championship.


The Lady Patriots have won 18 of the last 20 and 25 of the 31 Ohio Girls Golf titles.

Harrisburg was second, followed by Murphysboro, Herrin, and Carterville.

The Nashville Hornettes won the SIRR Mississippi Girls Golf championship.

Much like Massac County on the Ohio side, the Nashville Hornettes continued their winning ways at the SIRR Mississippi Girls Golf championship. The Hornettes put 5 in the top 10 led by medalist Brynn Stiegman to win their third straight title and 11th in the last 14 tourneys.

Anna-Jonesboro was second followed by West Frankfort and Pinckneyville. Du Quoin did not post a team score, and Benton did not participate following the fatal car accident that took the lives of three BCHS students.

Complete results are here.

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